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For the digital nomads, thinkers and freedom seekers

Discover A Unique Opportunity To

  Earn An Extra $1,000-$2,000+ A Month  

Writing For Some Of The Biggest YouTube Channels In The World

Learn the simple skill few freelancers even know about (yet) that got me from trapped in a 9-5 to making $30K/month traveling the world - in just 60 days.
Start Now
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Right now, there is a growing market where high-paying clients are desperately looking to hire freelancers.

Jumping on this opportunity early on allowed me to grow a business to $30K/month in just 2 months.

One that allowed me to travel the world, have time to take a random 2-hour lunch in the middle of the week with friends…

And work with some of the biggest brands in the industry like Davie Fogarty, Jordan Welch and Instantly

AI…All while having a full-time job, NO portfolio and NO previous experience.

If you want to add an extra $1,000-$2,000+/month working a few hours a day on your terms, give me 5 minutes and I’ll reveal exactly what this new opportunity is, and how to get there before anyone else - in as little as 30 days.

Here’s what some of

  the best creators have to say  

about this method:

“He's easily one of the best script writers”

Hansel Alvarez

“It's been an amazing experience.”

Tropic Social

“Brian's course just blew my expectations”


“I genuinely cannot thank Brian enough”


Growing A Freelance Business Is


Hey, I’m Bryan Ng.

Two years ago, I had no choice but to join the Singapore Army. 

Many people my age end up sticking with this career because of the financial stability it provides.

I don’t blame them. Pay is good, and you’ll never have to worry about being unemployed.

But apart from that, it’s nothing but a golden prison. I had to suck it up to my superiors who just yelled and bossed me around all day long.

And I didn’t have that freedom to wake up one day and decide on a whim that I wanted to… I don’t know, go hike a mountain.

I knew I wasn’t cut for this life.

I wanted freedom, flexibility, and to do work that excited me. I wanted to see the world, work with people I admired, and do all that on my terms.

But I had to work to get to the point where I never had to take a job I hated just to cover my expenses.

And that’s what I did…
My initial goal was simple:

Make an extra thousand bucks from my laptop.

I knew that if I did it once, all I needed to do was replicate the same process.

That was my key to a life of true freedom.

There was just a small problem…

Finding an online income turned out to be harder than I expected.

Trust me, I literally tried everything.

I started a dropshipping store (cmon we all did…)...

Put a Shopify store together, choose a supplier, picked a “winning product” and ran Tiktok ads to it.

But despite refreshing the dashboard a million times, sales stayed the same - zero.
Ok. Let’s shut down the store and stop running ads. 

Onto the next thing -  a local tutoring business.

All my life, I’d been a straight-A student. I figured I could make some money teaching high schoolers economics.

And for some time, that kinda worked. Except, it quickly became a nightmare once I got to 4 students.

Messaging parents, checking in on my students, and preparing materials.

I was spread too thin. 

And it showed in my business.

No matter what I did, I got stuck at $1,500/month.

Which isn’t exactly enough ‘f**k you money’ to pack up my stuff and quit my job.

I needed something else. Something that allowed me to replace my income without having to work the whole day.

That’s when I stumbled on the world of online writing.

Back then, Twitter ghostwriting was pretty popular. 

Every day, I read stories of people my age - total strangers who had no online presence - who made 10 times what I was making writing for some of the biggest brands and creators…

All while traveling the world and working on their terms.

I wanted a piece of that, too.

So I started a ghostwriting agency for Twitter creators.

I reached out to hundreds of business owners, and convinced a few to try out my services.

I wrote a few tweets for them – and some of them even did pretty well.
I felt like I was on the right track - building a portfolio and the social proof I could use to land more clients.

Until - for some reason - things slowed down.

After the initial contract expired, the few clients I got started ghosting me.

Landing new ones got harder and harder.

I kept trying for months, but I was getting frustrated.

I had failed yet another business opportunity. And I started to ponder if I was even cut for this.

No matter how many proposals I sent…

What kind of career I chose…

Or even if I offered to work for free to get that initial traction…

It seemed impossible to replace my income with ‘online money’.

I was slowly burning out - trying to juggle working for the military during the day, and finding a way out at night.

Every day, I saw my dream of packing up and building a business while traveling evaporate in front of my eyes.

That is, until something unexpected happened…

How one YouTube script led a random 20-year old Asian dude with NO connections and NO experience from an Army Recruit to building a

  $30K/month one-person agency in just 2 months  

One day, I woke up to an unexpected message:
It was from a friend who ran a YouTube agency.

He had found my YouTube channel I used to attract clients to my ghostwriting agency…

And liked some of the videos I scripted.

He needed help with a few YouTube scripts for some of his clients…

So he asked me.

Now, at that time I had never written a single script for clients - only for myself.

But apparently, just having posted a few videos was enough for him to hire me. 

He added me to the team chat and sent me the brief for a few videos.

I was super excited to get started. I’d gotten my first serious gig in weeks, and I wanted to crush it.

There was just one small problem...I had no idea what I was doing.

I had to google how to piece together a great script.

But even after hours of searchin, I couldn’t find any useful resource online.

So I said “fuck it”... And made it up with what I already knew.

After a few sleepless days, I handed in my scripts, went to bed and prayed for the best.

When I woke up a few hours later, I found three messages from the client.I opened them, and guess what?

He was overjoyed with the scripts!

I was over the moon.

I got paid $2,500 for what were essentially a few words on a Google Doc.

And most importantly, I’d done all this from the comfort of my home.
Still, I was reluctant to go all in on this new business idea.

Despite how well I did for this client, I had a doubt I couldn’t shake off:

Why did a YouTube agency hire me - someone who had just written a few YouTube videos for his channel with only 1,000 subscribers - and not a professional scriptwriter?

Did I get lucky… or had I really found a market that was willing to pay godly sums even if I was just a beginner?

There was only one way to know:

I had to talk to every YouTube scriptwriter I could find to understand how big this market really was.

I went on YouTube to find them.

I looked on LinkedIn, on Upwork, on Fiverr.

I googled to see if some of them had a website.

But I only found one, maybe two credible scriptwriters.

The more I searched, the more I realized…

There just weren’t that many people who specialized in YouTube Scriptwriting - and those who did weren’t that good. 

Maybe it wasn’t something many companies were hiring for, I thought.

But I soon discovered that wasn’t the case …

  An Easier Way  

to build a freelance business that buys you time to be with your loved ones, travel the world and work on your terms

Just search any freelance site, and you’ll find dozens of job posts looking for’ YouTube scriptwriters.
And if you saw the number of people flooding my DMs, asking for scripts - you wouldn’t actually believe it.

While the number of freelancers offering YouTube scriptwriting is currently incredibly low…The demand for high-quality YouTube videos is huge.

Think about it.

Everyone wants to be YouTube famous.

Kids have gone from wanting to be firefighters, doctors and astronauts, to now wanting to become a YouTuber. 

And when I talked to the biggest creators on the platform, the single biggest hurdle that’s stopping them from posting YouTube videos consistently is the script.

They either don’t have time, or know how to write a great script. 

And since the right viral content can easily generate thousands of dollars in ad revenue with little effort for them…

These businesses are willing to pay hefty sums for scriptwriters who can write high-quality scripts.

So while other freelancers kept flocking to Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram to find clients… 

I realized I could skip the queue and start adding $2,000, $3,000… even $5,000 a month writing a few scripts per month - without needing any crazy skills or needing a huge portfolio and testimonials.

So I went all in…

How I landed dozens of YouTube clients in

  as little as 60 days  

For 6 months, I locked myself in my room.

No sunlight, no talking to friends, no nothing.

I wrote 300 scripts in 2 months.
Some might call that crazy, and borderline unhealthy. 

But I wanted to become the best. 

I studied how to write the perfect hook, how to keep attention and how to write stories that convert viewers into paying customers.

And when I felt ready, I sat down to write my first YouTube video for my personal channel.

I wrote it, recorded it and got an editor to make it look nice.

The whole process took me 2 days.

But the investment paid off big times.

On January 17th, I launched the first video on my new channel.
On the first day, crickets.

On the 2nd day, I got 100 views. Not bad.

But in just 12 days, the video hit 10,000 views.

On a completely fresh channel.
I was getting 4-5 booked calls per day from people who wanted to work with me.
It felt like magic.

And every single call that I got on, everyone was telling me about how much they loved my video.

All of a sudden, I went from getting lowballed and ghosted…

To having more clients I could possibly handle who paid me what I asked without a blink of an eye. 

And we’re not talking about your neighbor’s mom DIY channel.

Those were big brands, like…

And dozens of other

  amazing clients  

Build With Kajabi

@Build With Kajabi



Funding Traders




Submagic Studio


Leevi Eerola


Mike Scully


Wiz of Ecom


Leo Moore

@Leo X Moore

Christian Bonnier

@Cb Writes Copy

Andre Haykal Jr


Ciaran Houlihan

@Ciaran Houlihan



Kai Cabero


Dylan Hey


Padraig Jordan




Sam Piliero


Austin Schneider


Max Sturtevant


Closed & Paid




The Smart Money Trader


Prosper Trading Academy


Hashtag Monday


Conor from Kensington Media House


Ben Gottfried




Matei Parvu


Whole & Happy Living with Whitney Prude




Aaron Dishner aka Moonin Papa




Bryan Ang Zhi-Wei


Louis Garoz


Emiel Dingemans


Rozee Digital


Alex Vacca


Michel Lieben - ColdIQ 🧠


Alisha Conlin-Hurd


Dario Markovic




Andy Stauring


Louis Key - FR








Angus Cowan


Devon Canup

All this happened in the span of a few months.

Yup, that’s right…

In 90 days, I went from struggling to land even one client…

To making $30K a month while traveling the world, and no one to tell me what to do.
And with my help, you can get the same results - incredibly fast.

Let me show you how:

Introducing The First YouTube Scriptwriting Course Designed For Freelancers:

Freelance Scriptwriter Academy

Freelance Scriptwriter Academy is the world’s first YouTube Scriptwriting course that teaches you everything you need to make an additional $1,000-2,000/month with just a few hours of work a day.

No fluff or filler.

I’m not telling you that you’re gonna make a million dollars with what I’m going to teach you.

That would be straight-out unrealistic.

But if you could use the skills that I’m going to give to you, and make an extra few thousand dollars by writing for a few hours a week, how much would that improve your life?

I’ve used this skill personally make $30k/month. 

If you had the same skillset as I do, could you make a small fraction of that?

The best part is…

You can consume all the content in one weekend…

And learn the same structure I’ve used to write killer videos that get 10,000s of views for our clients.

This knowledge alone could easily guarantee your success as a YouTube scriptwriter.

But we want to be 100% sure you succeed in building a freelance business that gives you freedom. That’s why - on top of the program - you also get:
My step-by-step strategies for landing your first client
Access to a community of successful YouTube Scriptwriters who will share their tips to wow their clients
My 0-$30k/month in 60 days case study where I give you a behind the scenes look of exactly how I grew my business
Unlimited support until you land your first client
First access to a marketplace where the biggest YouTube channels look for YouTube scriptwriting talent
An opportunity to work at my scriptwriting agency and get 1-1 coaching with me
In short, what you’re getting here is my entire playbook for landing YouTube creators as clients…

Wowing them by writing killer scripts…

And finally make consistent money working on your terms - without any prior experience or having to lowball your prices.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll find inside:

Module 1

Introduction to Freelance Scriptwriting

5 Videos
2 Hour Content
In Module 1, we’ll lay the foundations of what YouTube scriptwriting and how you can succeed in this growing market. We’ll get clear on who your ideal client is, how to create an offer that gets them to say ‘yes’, and how to finally get clients to see you as an expert so you can get paid what you deserve.

Module 2

Scriptwriting Basics

5 Videos
2 Hour Content
In Module 2, you will learn everything you need to know to write YouTube scripts fast that get results, wow your clients and help you land even more business.

Module 3

First Client Playbook

5 Videos
2 Hour Content
In Module 3, we go through my entire strategy for attracting high-quality clients without needing a big portfolio or past experience.

Module 4

0-$30k/m Case Study

5 Videos
2 Hour Content
In Module 4, I give you a peak into my entire system that got me from 0 to $30K/month in just 2 months. See all my client-acquisition strategies in action, so you can take them and plug for yourself.
Module 1: Introduction to Freelance Scriptwriting
1.1 Welcome to the Course
1.2 Meet your coach
1.3 Motivation + Mindset
1.4 What is YouTube scriptwriting
Module 2: Scriptwriting Basics
2.1 What type of channels should I write for + what is a faceless YouTube channel
2.2 Types of faceless channels
2.3 What is your job as a scriptwriter
2.4 What are the different types of scripts you need to learn how to write
2.5 How To Pick A Niche
Module 3: Scriptwriting Mastery
3.1 The Laws of YouTube Scriptwriting
3.2 My 5 step scriptwriting process
3.3 What is A Creative Brief And How To Use it
3.4 How to do research (Collecting research, connecting research)
3.5 Doing Research Live
3.6 How to collect clips
3.7 How to write the hook
3.8 How to write the body
3.9 How to edit your script to make sure that it's good
3.10 Introduction To Storytelling
3.11 Storytelling Structure For Compilation Videos
3.12 Storytelling Structure For Documentary Channels
3.13 Storytelling Structure for News Channels
3.14 Why You Should Use AI To Write Scripts FAST
3.15 How to Use Subscribr to Write Scripts FAST
3.16 Copywriting Course by LucasH
Module 4: LIVE Script Breakdowns
4.1 Script Breakdown #1
4.2 Script Breakdown #2
4.3 Script Breakdown #3
Module 5: First Client Playbook
5.1 The 4 Ways To Get Clients
5.2 How To Build A Portfolio
5.3 How To Build A Website Portfolio
5.4 How To Create A NexLev Job Post To Get Your First Client
5.5 Offering Free Work
5.6 How Much Should You Charge
5.7 Finding Your First Clients
5.8 Communicating with Clients
5.9 How To Invoice Your Clients
Module 6: 0-$30k/month Case Study
6.1 High Level How I Grew From 0-$30k/month
6.2 Twitter Masterclass
6.3 YouTube Content Masterclass

How YouTube Scriptwriting

  Changed My Life  

I’m writing you this page from Crete, Greece.
Since I started my YouTube scriptwriting, I’ve been able to visit 14 countries…

All over Europe, Australia, Southeast Asia.

I’ve even gone jet skiing and skydiving…

Replace my 9-5 income with consistent money I make from wherever I want, working whenever I want…

And finally find a path that will allow me to never have to suck it up to a boss ever again.
Writing YouTube scripts gave me that - and much more.

I now work closely with the biggest creators in the education industry. 

Not to mention how fulfilling and fun the work feels.

Now, I want to help as many people as possible achieve the same success.

I’ll be frank - I’ve got some interest in this too:

I want to become the best in the industry – the Master YouTube Scriptwriter.

And training killer writers is one way to do that.

Plus, whenever I need to recruit someone at my agency, I’ll always have a pool of some of the best writers in the field at my fingertips.

A win-win scenario, if you ask me. 

If you like all this, you can get lifetime access to Freelance Scriptwriter Academy for just $149.

That includes all future updates too.

Plus – as I mentioned – you get lifetime access to a community of other YouTube Scriptwriters and business owners that desperately need your expertise.

To get access at this special launch price, just click the link below:

Freelance Scriptwriter Academy

$745 $149

✅ 40 Modules To Master YouTube Scriptwriting
✅ Early Access To An Exclusive Marketplace Where The Top Youtube Creators Hire From
✅ Lifetime To A Community With The Best Writers In The Industry
✅ My Strategies For Landing High-Paying Clients
✅ Access To My Top 50 Best Performing Youtube Scripts
✅ Weekly Group Calls To Support You As You Land Your First Client
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Just click the button above to start your YouTube Scriptwriting journey.

You'll be directed to a checkout page to enter your details. Once you've completed your purchase, you'll gain immediate access to a private membership area with your course.

Plus, I'll send you an email with the course link and further details for your future reference.
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
I personally built out all the modules you get inside this course.

Which means, you get all the knowledge I built in months to write YouTube scripts clients love…

PLUS all the additional resources and processes to land your first client. 

But if for any reason you don’t like what you see here…

Or the material doesn’t deliver exactly what I promise…

Or if you just decide you don’t want to hear from this random Asian dude…

You can send an email within 30 days, and I’ll refund the full investment—no questions asked.
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

This golden opportunity

  won’t last forever  

Just like it happened for copywriting, ghostwriting or email marketing…

Soon, there will be thousands of people flocking to YouTube to offer their scripts for “FrEe oR yOu DoN’t PaY!!”.

That doesn’t mean you still won’t be able to build a successful business out of it.

It’s just going to be much harder.

Now's your chance to finally get the recognition you deserve for your skills.

To land that amazing client you always dreamt about.

To do creative, fun work that fulfills you.

And to make some nice moolah as a result.

You can do all this while being guided by someone who’s been there already.

I’ll help you skip all the costly mistakes that could prevent your growth, so you can catch this golden goose before anyone else jumps on it too.

And like I said, if for any reason you don’t like this course, I'll wire your investment back.

You in?
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Any Questions?

  I Have Answers:  

Who are you?

I am Bryan Ng. I've been freelance writing for the past 2 years, barely making any money. It was only when I found YouTube scriptwriting, did my income absolutely skyrocket. My goal is to train 1000 YouTube scriptwriters to achieve financial freedom like I did.

Does the course have lifetime access?

Yes. And you also get all future updates and additional modules.

I’m not a great writer. Will this work for me?

Yes! Anyone can become a great writer. I started out as an average writer out of school, getting Bs and C's on my English essays. But I've put in the work writing online tirelessly, and now I can safely say that I'm a top 1% scriptwriter. 

Are there any prerequisites for taking this course?

The only prerequisite is that you have a laptop and wifi. You can become a great YouTube scriptwriter from anywhere in the world, even if you’re from a third world country.

Will the course teach me how to find and land clients?

Yes, we will give you all the tools that you need to find and land your first client, whether you are a beginner or intermediate scriptwriter. I give you my exact playbook for landing clients that will pay you $2000-$4000/month each.

I currently work a FT job. Will I be able to land a client considering I don’t have a lot of time?

Yes. The Freelance Scriptwriter Playbook is meant to teach you how to make money scriptwriting for 2-3 hours a day. For many of our students, this is a side hustle that consistently brings in $2-3k/month in additional income, which helps supplement their 9-5 job. I myself started off in the military writing from my phone.

Can I get a refund if I’m not satisfied with the course?

We have a 30-day money back guarantee. If you think that this course is completely not worth your time, and you have shown us proof that you've not yet gone through less than 20% of the course, we'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

Is there any support available during the course?

I host weekly group calls where you can ask me any questions that you have. You will also have access to a community of scriptwriters looking to make money. The best way to become a better scriptwriter is by asking questions and interacting with other community members.


  This Isn’t For Slackers Who 
  Don’t want to take action  

This course won’t be online forever. I am currently growing a scriptwriting agency into a household name in the market, so I won’t be able to hire too many scriptwriters for it.

The faster you act, the more chance you have to catch this unique opportunity, and finally build a life where you can work from anywhere, make good money and be free.